Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pictures of The Gates (With New Photo Features)

Last night I came across a set of pictures I took two years ago when The Gates were up in Central Park. I've published them on the map below to illustrate a few tweaks we made to Atlas' photo-upload feature yesterday. (If you don't see the map, click through here.)

Here's a list of the key tweaks:
> We've increased the size of the thumbnail displayed in the info window to 200 pixels on the longest side (we maintain the dimensions of photos uploaded, so one side will probably be smaller)
> We've added a [+] next to thumbnails in the info window to show people that they can click through to a larger version
> We're resizing the larger version of the photo so it fits on people's screen and loads quickly.

These changes were suggested by our friends at If you have suggestions, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you.

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